Selected essays and non-peer reviewed articles
- Reflections on being an Earthling, 22 April 2024
- Imposing Lunar Time Zones: A Great Leap Towards Colonizing the Moon, (2022) co-authored with Mari Margil and Alice Gorman
- Ignorance, an essay contributed to ‘rivus: a glossary of water’, Edited by Jose Roca and Juan Francisco Salazar, 23rd Biennale of Sydney
- Towards Earth-centred governance, Small Giants, 2018
- Declaration of Peace for Indigenous Australians and Nature: A Legal Pluralist Approach to First Laws and Earth Laws, (2024) Springer, co-authored with Anne Poelina, Mary Graham, Tyson Yunkaporta et al
- The Anthropocene Judgments Project: Future Proofing the Common Law, (2023) Routledge Press, co-edited with Nicole Rogers
- From Environmental to Ecological Law, (2021) Series: Explorations in Environmental Studies, Routledge, co-edited with Kirsten Anker, Peter Burdon, Geoffrey Garver and Carla Sbert
- Law as if Earth Really Mattered: The Wild Law Judgements Project, (2017), Routledge Press, (Law, Justice and Ecology Series), co-edited with Dr Nicole Rogers
- Wild Law in Practice, (2014) Routledge Press, (Law, Justice and Ecology Series), co-edited with Dr Peter Burdon
Book chapters
- ‘A City of Good Ancestors: A Relationalist View of Urban Governance and Design’, with Mary Graham, in Designing More-than-Human Smart Cities: Beyond Sustainability, Towards Cohabitation, Edited by Marcus Foth et al, Oxford University Press, 2024
- ‘Imagining Ecocentric, Bioregional Law‘ in The Anthropocene Judgments Project: Future Proofing the Common Law, Routledge Press, Edited by Nicole Rogers & Michelle Maloney, 2023
- ‘Duties to Not Harm Ecological Systems, Plants, and Animals’ in The Routledge Handbook of Applied Climate Change Ethics, Edited By Donald A. Brown, Kathryn Gwiazdon, Laura Westra, 2023
- ‘Practical pathways to Ecological Law: Greenprints and bioregional governance’, in From Environmental to Ecological Law, Edited by Kirsten Anker, Peter Burdon, Geoffrey Garver, Michelle Maloney and Carla Sbert; Routledge, 2021
- ‘Introduction: The emergence of ecocentric law and ideas for the future of environmental law”, in Earth Law: Emerging Ecocentric Law – A Guide for Practitioners, Edited by Anthony Zelle, Grant Wilson, Rachelle Adam & Herman Greene; Wolters Kluer, 2021
- ‘Greenprints and bioregional governance: ecological economics in practice?’ in Ecological Economics: Solutions for the Future, edited by Haydn Washington, 2020
- ‘Caring for Country and Rights of Nature: A conversation Between Earth jurisprudence and Aboriginal Law and Ethics’, with Mary Graham, in Cameron La Follette and Chris Maser, Sustainability and the Rights of Nature in Practice, CRC Press 2019
- ‘Re-imagining the Common Law: Rights of Nature Tribunals and the Wild Law Judgements Project’, with Nicole Rogers, Brendan Mackey, Greta Bird and Jo Bird in Representations and Rights of the Environment: Conceptual Foundations, edited by Sandy Lamalle and Peter Stoett; Earth System Governance Series, MIT/Cambridge UP, 2019
- ‘The Wild Law Judgments Project’, in Nicole Rogers and Michelle Maloney (ed) Law as if the Earth Really Mattered: The Wild Law Judgments Project, Routledge Press, 2017
- ‘Greenprints: an Earth-centred governance approach for living within our ecological limits and creating a steady state economy’, in Haydn Washington (ed) Positive Steps towards a Steady State, published by CASSE NSW, 2017
Journal articles
- ‘Is Sustainability Enough? What we can learn from the rise (and rise) of rights of nature and Earth laws‘, with Christina Meyers, Law Society Journal, March 2023, pp 84-91.
- Kopnina, H., Spannring, R., Hawke, S., Robertson, C. D., Thomasberger, A., Maloney, M., Morini, M., Lynn, W., Muhammad, N. Z., Santiago-Ávila, F. J., Begovic, H., & Baranowski, M. (2021). Ecodemocracy in practice: Exploration of debates on limits and possibilities of addressing environmental challenges within democratic systems. Visions for Sustainability, 15, 9–23. https://doi.org/10.13135/2384-8677/5832
- ‘Rights of Nature: Perspectives for Global Ocean Stewardship’, with Harriet Harden-Davies, Fran Humphries, Glen Wright, Christina Gjerde and Marjo Vierras, Marine Policy 122 (2020) May
- ‘The Need for Ecological Ethics in a New Ecological Economics ‘, with Haydn Washington, Ecological Economics, Volume 169, March 2020
- ‘Recognising the Rights of the Great Barrier Reef Could Help Defeat Destructive Coal Mine‘, with Mari Margil, Earth Island Journal, 5 August 2019
- ‘Rights of Nature, Earth Democracy and the Future of Environmental Governance,’ in Rebalancing Rights: Communities, Corporations and Nature, Green Institute, March 2019
- ‘Changing the Legal Status of Nature: Recent Developments and Future Possibilities‘, NSW Law Society Journal, Issue 49, October 2018, pp 78-79
- Earth Centred Governance, Dumbo Feather, 30 July 2018
- ‘The New Economy Network Australia‘, Australian Environment Review (Sep 2017), co-authored with Professor Bronwen Morgan, UNSW
- ‘Eucalyptus flavoured ecofeminism and other ecocentric adventures’, Special Collection, The Ecological Citizen, July 2017
- ‘The UN Harmony with Nature Initiative: why it matters and what it might achieve‘, The Ecological Citizen, March 2017
- ‘Building an Alternative Jurisprudence for the Earth: the International Rights of Nature Tribunal’, (2016) Vermont Law Review, Vol 41:129
- ‘What does the global Earth laws movement mean for Australian law?‘, (2015) Australian Environment Review, Vol 30 No.4&5
- ‘Responding to the Great Work: the role of Earth jurisprudence in the 21st Century‘, (2015) Environmental and Earth Laws Journal, Vol 5 Issue 1, with Pat Siemen
- ‘Finally Being Heard: The Great Barrier Reef and the International Rights of Nature Tribunal’, (2015) Griffith Journal of Law and Human Dignity, Vol 3 Issue 1
- ‘The Australian Wild Law Judgements Project’, (2014) Alternative Law Journal, Vol 39 Issue 3, with Nicole Rogers
- ‘Environmental Justice Network – Where to From Here?’, (2014) Asia Pacific Journal of Environmental Law, Vol 17
- ‘Ecological Limits, Planetary Boundaries and Earth Jurisprudence’, (2014) in M. Maloney and P. Burdon ‘Wild Law in Practice’, Routledge Press (Law, Justice and Ecology Series)
- ‘Earth Jurisprudence and Sustainable Consumption’, (2011) Southern Cross University Law Review, Special Edition, 2011
- ‘Public policy analysis of energy efficiency and load management in changing electricity businesses’, (2003) Energy Policy 31(5), with E. Vine, J. Hamrin, N. Eyre, D. Crossley, and G. Watt)
- Editor and co-author – Final Report & Recommendations: 2019 Citizens’ Inquiry into the Health of the Barka/Darling River and Menindee Lakes, co-authored with Gill Boehringer, Gwynn MacCarrick, Manav Satija, Mary Graham and Ross Williams (Final Report: 30 September 2020)
- Co-Author – AELA Submission to the EPBC Act Review, March 2020
- Editor – Earth Ethics Online Journal, “Inspiring Earth Ethics: Linking Values and Action”,
- Editor – Earthwords and Artlings Anthology 2020 and 2022
- Co-Author – Submission to the Product Stewardship Act Review, 2018
- Editor – Earth Arts Catalogues – AELA Arts Programs 2022, 2020, 2018, 2016
Blog – Earthwords and Ponderings
- Visit Michelle’s blog, Earthwords and Ponderings.