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  • I am incredibly grateful for the opportunity to have participated in the Introduction to Earth Laws 2024 course. It has equipped me with valuable insights and tools in my work as a Regenerative Business Mentor. Thanks to Michelle, this comprehensive course has a remarkable ability to simplify a complex topic. It is the perfect introduction to fundamental themes of earth laws, accessible to a wide audience. The clarity with which the material was presented enabled me to develop a deeper understanding of the subject matter, which is crucial in advocating for environmental justice and sustainability. By recognising and honouring indigenous first laws, the course not only enriched my knowledge but also fostered a greater appreciation for the interconnectedness between humans, nature, and the law.

    – Jannine Barron
    Introduction to Earth Laws course 2024
  • I recently had the opportunity to explore the Earth-Centred Futures 2024 and I must say it was truly fantastic. This comprehensive program delves deep into Earth-centred thinking and governance, covering a wide array of topics such as Earth jurisprudence, interconnectedness, Indigenous philosophies, Earth-centred law, economics, and politics. Dr. Michelle Maloney hosted and gave lectures in the course, together with a lineup of expert guest speakers, who all shared valuable insights that empower participants to apply their learning to real-world scenarios. I strongly recommend the Earth-Centred Futures 2024 course to individuals from all backgrounds who wish to make a positive impact on our global community. This course is perfect for those seeking to deepen their understanding of Earth-centered governance and contribute to a sustainable future.

    – Kelly Tudhope
    Earth Centred Futures course 2024
  • I have already recommended the course to a couple of people. I enjoyed the breadth and depth of the course; I now have words and terms for concepts and ideas of which I only had a vague notion before taking the course. Michelle is such a knowledgeable and generous teacher, and I also greatly enjoyed the fantastic guest speakers. Thank you!”

    – Katja
    Introduction to Earth Laws course 2024
  • Every Australian who cares about our country and the environment would benefit from this course. The true history of Australia is shocking and sometimes unbelievable but necessary for all of us to heal the trauma, to learn and be better stewards, together. Thank you Michelle and the guests for the deep dive.”

    – Donalea
    Introduction to Earth Laws course 2024
  • To most people, including me, legal concepts are notoriously difficult. As a result of this course I feel confident I can explain some of these concepts – legal personhood of a river, for example – to others. As an educator, that’s important to me.”

    – Graeme
    Introduction to Earth Laws course 2024
  • THIS IS THE COURSE I’VE BEEN WANTING FOR 10 YEARS! I’ve spent a decade grappling with ‘where to next?’ economically, given the huge gaps in our economic systems and models, which don’t value the living systems of the earth. This course addresses these wicked problems in the only way they can be addressed: collaboratively, with many voices, in both theoretical and place-centred ways. The many excellent, provocativespeakers brought a range of intellectualdisciplines, frameworks, skills andexperience to bear on the critical issuesof this moment. And best of all, they were brought together and mediatedby Dr Michelle Maloney, who brings her capacious, generous, inclusive earth-centred view to everything.”

    – Jane Gleeson-White, author
    Building a New Economy for Australia Course, 2021 – coordinated and delivered by Michelle Maloney, for New Economy Network Australia (NENA) and AELA
  • Sustainability Education and Partnerships at Western Sydney University have had the privilege and pleasure to work with Michelle Maloney and Australian Earth Laws Alliance over the last three years. Michelle’s insightful, practical and professional workshops provided us with an introduction to river rights, rights of nature and Earth laws. These workshops were invaluable in setting the foundation and understanding for Hawkesbury Nepean Waterkeeper Alliance a group of educators, NGOs and local instrumentalities for how to work in culturally appropriate and respectful ways with First Nations communities across the Hawkesbury Nepean Catchment and have set us on the path of a “slow weave” of working together. I am incredibly grateful to Michelle for her sharing her substantial time, energy and knowledge.

    – Jen Dollin
    Director, Sustainability Education and Partnerships Office of the PVC Education Quality and Partnerships, Western Sydney University – August 2024
  • Thank you so much Michelle for your powerful, lucid, insightful and warm presentation. Thank you also for the wonderful and incredibly important work you do with AELA and Future Dreaming. Everything you do is authentic, rich, deep and unique and I’m very grateful for the workshops you offer to the public. Thank you again!”

    – Carmel
    ‘Connecting to Place, Caring for Country’ workshop (AELA/Future Dreaming) 2023
  • This course has been amazing and I am beyond glad that I took part. Engaging topics, inspiring guest speakers and motivating participants. This course has changed the way I see the world, and the people, around me.”

    – Rebecca
    Earth Centred Futures course 2022
  • This course has renewed my energy and optimism for the future. It is a highly pertinent and inspiring course for anyone who feels distressed about the current climate crisis or disillusioned with the systems that have lead us here. It highlights the brilliant innovation and discussions that are already happening in the world, and provides coherent frameworks for change that not only make sense but feel good too. What an absolute relief!”

    – Nina
    Earth Centred Futures course 2022
  • The ideas in this course made me tingle with inspiration. Just what I needed to feel encouraged in my pursuit for a better world. Thanks Michelle!

    – Helen
    Earth Centred Futures Course 2022
  • I’m so grateful to have attend this course. It opened my mind up to a new world of ideas and changed the direction of my work (for the better!). Thank you”

    – Michele L.
    Earth Centred Futures course 2022
  • Michelle, thank you for presenting the ‘Exploring the Legal Status of Nature’ workshop and for making it so accessible. Though I am across some of this area, I came away with lots of new ideas and information. I appreciate how much time and commitment it takes to organize such events, and indeed the greater contribution that you are making . We are all very busy and sometimes get so caught up in our own world that we forget to acknowledge the people that are making that world richer. So thank you Michelle, your contributions to the ecojustice realm are noticed and appreciated. 

    – Susan Reid
    Exploring the Legal Status of Nature Workshop, 2021